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~Gentle Persuasion~

Listen to the ocean's gentle persuasion, responsively,
Calling me to the water's edge, an invitation.
Deep within its calming masterful embraces,
Where shimmering pools of ardent gallantry abide.
Unyeilding, desirable persistence mesmerizing.

Our senses intensify with each soothing caress.
Our breathing urgently demanding, immediate attention.

Completely forgetful of time passing bye,
Knowing only of the ocean's gentle persuasion.
Seduced by rythmic impules on the crest of a wave,
And witnessed exclusively by the moon's radiance.
Enamored with the ocean's chivalrous elegance.

Our senses will not be denied this perfect night,
Our parting will have no sweet bitter tears tomorrow.

Drenched and moisted by the ocean's fluid flows,
Glistening in the moonlight's irresistible influence.
Wrapped in the warm glow of passionate desires,
And the wind's constant urging to find shelter soon.
Stay the night forever in life, a sanctuary in the storm.

starauz, I have listened to your words and in gratitude have found inner peace with one who understands way beyond his age.  E O Mai...


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July 2, 1998